CNN reporter
"$85 billion from the federal budget. It includes $183 million from the
National Parks Service, which runs 401 national parks, memorials,
lakeshores, parkways and historic sites." This budget cut destroys thousands of jobs by either furloughing them or simply eliminating them, and the author points out that even in some of the most popular parks like Yellowstone can't even afford to plow the snow off of their roads so that visitors can enter the park.
The author is sure to end by including a comment from retired park service superintendent Joan Anzelmo, saying that it was generous that private parties made donations to make it possible for the roads to be plowed, "it's not sustainable... What's going to happen next year? If these cuts continue over the long term, we're in real trouble."
Now, personally, I think that the basic framework of this article had the potential of really packing a punch that the author didn't really utilize. When spouting out the facts of just how many jobs were cut where, real numbers would have been more impactful than rounded out numbers. Rather than saying visitors have to wait longer for bathroom use, she could have come up with a more personable story like "
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