Friday, May 10, 2013

Get Rid of "Marriage"

Dear Friends, we are gathered here today
DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act 1996) defines marriage as a union between a Man and a Woman, therefore meaning that homosexual couples cannot gain marital licenses that come with many tax breaks, unquestioned insurance benefits, and many other legal bonuses. This legislation is now being questioned before the Supreme Court, and now the Justices are looking to define marriage so that they can rule if DOMA is even constitutional.

But I find this trivial. Marriage happens in a church of any religion and is defined by that church. Catholics marry Catholics, Muslims marry Muslims ect. And if you don't like any particular church's definition of marriage, you can still get all the magical perks of being married by getting a "secular and legal" marriage license from the a civil court. At least, for heterosexual couples.

This is just my two cents. If a judge can join two heterosexual people, without involving a church then why on earth can't two homosexual people do the same? DOMA's opposition need to scream that same sex couples cannot get "married" because religions invented the terms of marriage being between a man and woman. If a religion invented the terms, then why on earth should our government that "keeps church and state separate" use the terms invented by religions in the first place?!  The government needs to nix the term "marriage" and just coin some other term like "life union" that allows both heterosexual couples and homosexual couples to be legally bound to each other.  "Life unions" would have all the magical perks of the current definition of marriage, and then everybody can have the "happily ever afters" they want with the significant other in their lives.

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